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old recipes for the new modern times

conocenos Priorat lab - alambique
conocenos Priorat lab - alambique

Innovation is the DNA of Priorat Lab.
We are always at the forefront of market preferences, incorporating new products, flavors and unique experiences for consumers.

firma de Alex Illa
Alex Illa - Owner Priorat Lab

It all starts with the selection of top quality products, and whenever possible, local. We work with carefully selected natural botanicals, creating our own extracts.

Samples and tastings allow us to control the quality we are looking for. And everything is done manually: from the distillation and maceration process to bottling.

This guarantees the constant quality of our products.

conocenos Priorat lab - damajuana
conocenos Priorat lab - libreria destilados y licores
conocenos Priorat lab - muestra de licor
conocenos Priorat lab - hierbas
Logo Priorat Lab

carrer font vella 13
43738 bellmunt del priorat

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+34 - 977 080 200